Early Childhood Battery
This evaluation is designed for children ages 5 and under whose parents may suspect a learning difference. This battery gives insight into the child’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style and will help in making school placement decisions. This series of tests will alert the parent if their child is at-risk for a learning difference and will give recommendations and resources to address the areas of need. This battery generally takes three hours and can be broken into two separate testing sessions.
What is evaluated in this battery:
- Cognitive processing/Intellectual ability
- Reading and pre-reading skills including indications of dyslexia
- Math problem solving and computation skills
- Developmental writing skills including indications of dysgraphia
- Receptive and expressive language skills
What is included:
- Diagnosis based on the findings, or areas that are at-risk of becoming a learning difference
- Personalized recommendations and strategies to shore up skills based on the child’s needs
- A written report with interpretation and explanation of each test administered
- A 60-minute conference with the parents to discuss the results and answer questions
This price of this evaluation is $1,200 as of 01/23/24.
I do test outside of the Dallas area. In those situations, a travel fee will be charged, dependent on the distance.
To book an appointment, please fill out my contact form or call me at 214.532.6726.
Early Childhood Battery
For pre-K through kindergarten, provides insight into a child’s learning style and whether they have characteristics of a learning difference.
Full Psychoeducational Battery
For students ages 6 through 15 who show signs of a learning difference and may need accommodations.
Extended Psychoeducational Battery
For individuals ages 15+, designed to support needed accommodations in high school and college as well as on high-stakes entrance exams.